Saturday, 18 June 2011

Hello World.

Love this piece of art by Valentin Ruhry. There's something interesting about how it at first looks like a digital billboard, but turns out to be a very low tech version when you get closer.
I don't know if it was the artist's intention, but I really like the way it tries to make digital tangible.

Via: TodayTomorrow

Monday, 28 February 2011

Light Painting WiFi

WiFi networks are all around us but we never see them. The only way we know they're actually there is by looking for the little icons on our phones or computers.
This great little project temporarily changes that by visualising the flow of WiFi signal strength in urban spaces. I really like the way it explores and reveals the invisible nature of online networks by turning them into something very analog and visible.

It's done by using a light painting technique and capturing it in long exposure photographs. Practically it means moving a four metre tall measuring rod fitted with 80 light points though urban spaces while photographing.

Via: @glueisobar

Sunday, 20 February 2011

New interactive projects from Hyper Island

Lots of cool stuff comes out of digital media school Hyper Island. Here are two recent student projects that offer a different take on the shopping experience:

Interactive shop window concept where the movement of a virtual model is triggered and controlled by the motion of people walking by.
The videos themselves are created by people online, who chose the model, background and which city it will be displayed in.

Social media integrated into shoes via an RFID chip. This creates multiple opportunities for localtionbased actions and also offers the possibility to create real life "like" buttons.